Thoughts on S60

reflections on the most popular mobile operating system worldwide

Posts Tagged ‘pad

Why no scratchpad on 5th Edition?

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After having used several different drawing and notes applications on the N810 that were designed specifically for free-form stylus input, such functionality is something I had come to expect out of resistive touch screen devices that make use of a stylus. You can only imagine then how disappointed I was to read that the 5800XM does not have any application like this whatsoever (from All About Symbian’s 3rd part of their 3 part 5800XM review) and the same appears to go for all of 5th Edition.

I don’t think having a device that relies so heavily on touch input is complete without an application like this available for installation, if not embedded in the native firmware. If you’re not familiar, it operates much like Microsoft Paint except on your touch-enabled portable device (see the screenshot below).

Click on this link to get to the S60 Wish for this application if you’d like to use something like this on your 5800XM or other 5th Edition device in the future (the link should be live after the wish passes moderation). I’ve also continued this discussion in a thread on HoFo to gain more momentum and hopefully have at least a beta available within the next couple weeks.